Alice Tully Hall
- 1941 Broadway, New York, NY 10023
Program information:
Masaaki Suzuki, Conductor
Yale Schola Cantorum
J.S. BACH Actus tragicus, BWV 106
J.S. BACH Köthener Trauermusik, BWV 244a
Watch the performance on this page at the scheduled date and time. This performance won’t be available to stream afterward on demand. Should you have trouble accessing the stream via this page, please visit juilliard.live to stream this program.
Lead Digital Sponsor: Bloomberg Philanthropies
Juilliard LIVE was launched in 2021 under the leadership of President Damian Woetzel, dramatically expanding access for audiences around the world to Juilliard performances through livestreams and on-demand video. Juilliard LIVE streams nearly 700 performances each year, with new on-demand programs regularly added to the accessible library of content.